Growing to serve in more ways

GO Ministries

Each GO Division is lead by someone passionate and
equipped to serve in their specific ministry


Medical Ministry

Our goal is to not only serve the physical needs of those who have no way to recieve or pay for medical treatment, but to be intentional to share the Gospel with them.  Medcial missions is a fantastic way to open the doors and hearts of a community that may never have been willing to let foreigners in.  By building relationship with patients we are able to introduce the True Healer to those who come to our clinics for care. 

Security Ministry

Each of our teams is blessed to have a security person or two on the mission with them.  This not only gives us peace of mind for our safety, but it also frees us up to do the work we are called to do without having to look over our shoulders at the surrounding issues.  We are grateful to the men and women who are willing to be the first wall of defense for our teams.


Sports Ministry

There are few places in this world where sport isn’t an avenue for opening doors for fun and communication.  By sending teams to participate in camps and competition, a platform is offered to share Jesus with those who may never have heard, but even more, with those who never wanted to listen before.  Someting about athletics brings out people of all kinds to join in relationship together. 

Construction Ministry

Many of the locations our teams serve have projects to help them sustain quality living.  We help remodel, maintain, and build structures for those our partners see need it.  Our construction teams work toward opening doors to share the Gospel and for other teams to follow behind them.  Their work is a powerful way to open doors of relationship. 


Engineering Ministry

Many communities where GO Teams serve around the globe do not have access to clean water.  GO sends engineering teams to build dig wells and create ways to get clean water with those in the community.  GO Engineers teaches and works with the indigenous in order to give them training and ownership in building these resources.  Our goal is for the clean water to be resource for them for years, and potentially for future medical teams as well. 

Solar Ministry

There are many places where the sun shines, but electrical power is limited or sketchy.  GO Solar was designed to assist communities to power the necessary items for life.  These teams work hand-in-hand with our engineering and construction teams, and are a valuable resource for developing initial relationships with people-groups who might not open their doors or hearts to the Gospel. 

solar panel

Children’s Ministry

Everywhere GO Teams serve there are opportunities to care for children.  Through VBS programs, puppet teams, sports camps, and other avenues, kids can be reached for the Gospel.  These GO Teams can make an everlasting impassion and change in these young lives to introduce them to Jesus, help them understand how to live for Him daily, and assist them to be the future leaders of their communities and countries, making a difference for Christ.  

Music Ministry

Praise & worship is a key part of our GO Teams staying connected with God to stay focussed and uplifted in order to serve, share the Gospel, disciple, and love on those we serve with.  If you have a passion to lead teams in worship and truly lead them to the feet of Jesus, please come and share your talent with our teams.  Caring for our teams well is vital to their caring for others for the entirety of their missions. 


Jesus said, 
“This is my commandment, that you love one another
as I have loved you."

John 15:12